Sunday, February 24, 2013


I just finished watching Dear John from my hardisk and the story really touches me. It reminds me of the old me whom always let heart break down and walk away with no guilty.

If I didn't met Noorman in my life, I might have been chasing or been chased by my old stupidities and cry all by myself, like what I am feeling right now. Yes, he's not the first guy whom kissed my entire heart. There's someone. The one that I've left broken so hard.

It was everything, happy and crazy but it only happened in a very short time. Short but huge. It was a beautiful place with beautiful people. He's there among the beautiful butterfies that floats all over the small village. He was there when I first met him. Beautifully. But now I've left him.

Gone away... And now I'm with Noorman. The man that I am truly in love with. No one can avoid memories. Bad or good it will always haunt you down. Its just the matter how to handle it wisely.

Past is past and tomorrow comes to teach new lesson to create another memories to be remember.