Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Overload thoughts

Time seems so slow
I don't know how shall I face them all
The plans and and people
The future and the past
Everything is killing me
My brain and my breath

How I wish everything can be done soonest
So I shall not suffer this moment of waiting
To be with you
In a better way
To lay next to you
So I wont be alone at night anymore

Friday, November 22, 2013

2 weeks left!

Oh, its been a while I didn't write stuff here and holy molly we only have two week left before our wedding! Stress and super excited. That's all I can say. Laughters and tears are shared together, through joy and fights our love blooms day by day till months and years passed by.

Sometimes I feel like I want to eat you but deep down I know there's still lot more things to explore with you. I love you, Noorman. Our time will come and we shall take our prince and pricess back.