Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Night beach

Taken at Tanjung Aru Beach last Sunday night.

Blogging again

I haven't blog for a very long time and I decided to unpack my typewrite out again start all over. I have a delicate writing skill (I guess so) thus I am not going to waste it away even it are not for public readers.

Since living as two, me and habibi. Things getting packed. My time is so limited and I don't even have time for myself. I don't even remember what's going on so far in my life which all I remember is wake up early in the morning and get ready to work and by weekend, we just curl up on our bed and have fun. I have never talk to myself again since then.

Recently, I misses my period for a month but went to the clinic and its still negative. During my first month of marriage, I am so excited to get pregnant but since we've booked our tikets to the Philippines to visit Lola, I have to re-think about my pregnancy planning. It will be on October and if I got pregnant by now, I will be around my 6th month pregnancy that time. So I don't want to ruin our traveling. But dear baby Dzhabbar, Ummi have not intended to not wanting you. InsyaAllah soon.

But still I'm deciding to have this pregnancy succesful! We don't use any planning or stuff. We just let it be. الله knows the best.