Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Overload thoughts

Time seems so slow
I don't know how shall I face them all
The plans and and people
The future and the past
Everything is killing me
My brain and my breath

How I wish everything can be done soonest
So I shall not suffer this moment of waiting
To be with you
In a better way
To lay next to you
So I wont be alone at night anymore

Friday, November 22, 2013

2 weeks left!

Oh, its been a while I didn't write stuff here and holy molly we only have two week left before our wedding! Stress and super excited. That's all I can say. Laughters and tears are shared together, through joy and fights our love blooms day by day till months and years passed by.

Sometimes I feel like I want to eat you but deep down I know there's still lot more things to explore with you. I love you, Noorman. Our time will come and we shall take our prince and pricess back.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I miss you, asshole

It's true. It only took couple of weeks for to fall in love with you and I already know you're the man I'm going to marry.

We are turning 7 years together by end of this September and we only have another couple of years to celebrate our 10th years anniversary.

You are a magic in my life. You turn my life into something that I've been dreaming of. You've change the most of me to stay in love with you even I've failed for many times, you never give up and never stop and never tired to forgive me. I know how stupid I am but I'm so blessed that I've found someone that can love me even how bad I always be.

I know how bad I am. I know how weak I am especially when my past comes and the regrets that have been haunting me so long. I've tried not to chase them back but most of the time I failed over and over again. But the risk of losing you is the fear that I'm scared about so I hold myself back and keep on going to run after you.

I am so sorry for not being perfect but I can't bear of losing you. Never.

This coming December will be our very big day. I'm going to be your wife and nothing can let us part again.

I love you so much, Noorman.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I miss you deary

Still counting the months and its still so long to come. I mean our wedding day. I'm so tired of waiting, suffering and going through some small fights with you. We've been together of almost 7 years now and lots and lots of things we've been through.

We had enough now, as a couple. I want more as a married couple. I miss your hugs before sleep. I miss how I fell asleep on your lap on thw couch when that time you're busy watching DVDs or palying FIFA. I miss how you crawl on me when I was already asleep and you kissed me and say good night. I miss our 3am crazy routine. I miss your everything.

I can't wait to be your wife. But since we're away now and still have months to go for our wedding, I want to give you some space for yourself to enjoy before I 'come back' again in your life to ruin it with love.

I miss you so much, Noorman

Sunday, February 24, 2013


I just finished watching Dear John from my hardisk and the story really touches me. It reminds me of the old me whom always let heart break down and walk away with no guilty.

If I didn't met Noorman in my life, I might have been chasing or been chased by my old stupidities and cry all by myself, like what I am feeling right now. Yes, he's not the first guy whom kissed my entire heart. There's someone. The one that I've left broken so hard.

It was everything, happy and crazy but it only happened in a very short time. Short but huge. It was a beautiful place with beautiful people. He's there among the beautiful butterfies that floats all over the small village. He was there when I first met him. Beautifully. But now I've left him.

Gone away... And now I'm with Noorman. The man that I am truly in love with. No one can avoid memories. Bad or good it will always haunt you down. Its just the matter how to handle it wisely.

Past is past and tomorrow comes to teach new lesson to create another memories to be remember.