Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lovely short evening

He said he was having a fever so I assumed that we won't meet this evening but just about 5 o'clock of a very lovely evening he called me for a short dinner. So why should I say no? I missed him.

شكرا لك حبي

Friday, April 27, 2012

Just a short date

As usual, but slightly different; we had a short date yesterday after work. He picked me in the office with his Abah's car and drove me home. With a sweet song replay along they way, we enjoyed the most beautiful sunset.

I can't promise we will meet again this evening but for sure, his birthday and our wedding course are just around the corner. Can't wait.

Love you ya habibi.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Days with you

So here's some shots of you during our dinner at our common place. Actually I'm bored with the same menu repeated in this whole week but being with you for couple of thousand years is still not enough for me.

I love you. See you tomorrow!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I miss you, يا حبيبي

We meet almost every evening after work and stay for just a couple of hours in our favorite restaurant in the town. But still I really miss you so much as I woke up in the next morning.

I miss to kiss you palm while you're driving. I miss to rub your hard tummy and stare your eyes even I know you're trying to avoid it. I want to call you every time you dropped me home but I knew you're driving back home. I just can't wait to see you again on the next day evening.

We can spend some time in the sunset evening or maybe just drive to nowhere and enjoy the bright blue sky. I admit that I still love you as strong as the first day I confessed it to you even sometimes we're hurting each other. I knew I can't stop loving you easily after all we've done.

You are so much crazy than I ever knew. You are so unbelievable loving and surprising person that I ever had in my entire life. You are such a wonderful and exciting person that brighten up my life. Sometimes you hurt me a lot but that doesn't easily make me down and broken badly. I just love you the way you are.

انا بحبك يا نورمان

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Afraid to be with other than you

I never say that I'm not attractive enough to be in the middle of the attention. I used to be, once before we met. But soon after I knew you and you took my heart, I am no longer whom I was before.

Now I'm yours. You knew me already. My everything. You knew how bad is when I cook. How lazy am I on bed. How freaking am I on the shower and how crazy am I with you.

I can't imagine myself learning to be with someone else. Teaching them how to know me better as you do. Hoping them to accept me as who am I, as how bad I am.

I knew who am I when I'm with you. I never pretend to be pretty with stupid make ups on my face and fancy clothes just hoping to be your attention because I knew you love me with who am I (that save cost a lot!).

So, no matter how cute the guy longing to have me, I will always stick with you because I tired to start all over again!

I love you - xoxo

Friday, April 6, 2012

I miss him already

Oh! I miss him already. It's just few hours ago but I can't deny it. I miss his enchanted body's fragrance and his sweet look when he's annoyed over my funny faces. But most of all, I miss his curls on bed when he still sleep at 6 o'clock in the morning. I miss to disturb his sleep to wake him up to work. I miss everything that we've shared when we lived together before.

Sayang, don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed. I love you so much.

Sayang leaving on a jet plane

Sayang is leaving tomorrow, to Kedah to sign a document to sell his parents house. We did met this evening and hang out for a couple of hours. He hate the place and I know he wont stay long there.

We were quite busy with our works in our offices. He's a graphic designer while I'm a web designer as well. Since I moved to Tasha's and husband house months ago, we seldom stay together. He work over time a lot so we just hang out once a while when he didn't have much work that day.

We are no longer small buds to be so pamper as before. I am no longer sleep with tears missing him but I still keep the habit; sleep with his worn out shirt with his beautiful smell. His 23 years old teddy bear is still with me.

Marriage? InsyaAllah we planned by next year. Only after their house completely modified. But we still plan to buy our own house. Everything still under plans. Meanwhile, we're registered to the pre-wedding course which is well be held by this 5th and 6th May.

May Allah help everything smoothly.
